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William Herschel - WikipediaWilhelm, nineteen years old at this time, was a quick student of the English language. In England, he went by the English rendition of his name, Frederick William Herschel.
Golding Bird - WikipediaBird was frequently mentioned in the transactions of the Medical Society of London. Some examples are:
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Plastic - WikipediaOne important classification of plastics is the degree to which the chemical processes used to make them are reversible or not.
Electricity - WikipediaAn electric circuit is an interconnection of electric components such that electric charge is made to flow along a closed path (a circuit), usually to perform some useful task. 56
Biomimetics - WikipediaBiophysics is not so much a subject matter as it is a point of view. It is an approach to problems of biological science utilizing the theory and technology of the physical sciences. Conversely, biophysics is also a biol
The Geological SocietyThis website uses cookies to give you the best user experience. You have disabled cookies which will render many features of the GSL website unusable. To change your cookie settings, select the option below an
The Geological SocietyThis website uses cookies to give you the best user experience. You have disabled cookies which will render many features of the GSL website unusable. To change your cookie settings, select the option below an
The Geological SocietyThis website uses cookies to give you the best user experience. You have disabled cookies which will render many features of the GSL website unusable. To change your cookie settings, select the option below an
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